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Drainage of Bridges
Drainage of Bridges How to handle surface water on bridges? Collect, treat and discharge

Surface water on bridges is collected by bridge gullies or special ACO linedranage systems. ACO offers point and lindrainage systems for the diverse requirements of bridge drainage. They are matched to the special features of the respective bridge design, regardless of whether it is a prestressed, reinforced concrete or ballast bridge. Solutions are available for new bridge structures and for restructuring.

After the surface water has been collected it runs through the subsequent steps of the ACO system chain. Water contaminated with mineral or lubrication oils must be treated first before it can be discharged into the sewers or receiving water. ACO large separators, which treat the water in an environmentally friendly way, are frequently used for this. Depending on the circumstances, it may also be necessary to install an ACO surface water retention basin, which temporarily stores surface water.