ACO DRAIN® Powerblock

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In addition to maximum point loads, drainage systems are exposed to extremely high dynamic forces.
Europe's freight traffic is constantly increasing. But the more transport, the more transshipment – whether at industrial yards, in seaports or container depots. Heavyweights of up to 100 tons are constantly operated and roll over the areas with increasing frequency. This is a stress test for every drainage system. Accelerating, steering, braking – all of this constantly aff ects the frames, covers and sidewalls of the systems. Horizon-
tal thrust loads that arise, for example, from thermal expansion of the connected surfaces, also represent a load. The weather conditions – especially the harsh sea climate in ports, contribute their share of load as well.
A new type of channel system that combines the positive properties of our heavy-duty channels ACO PowerDrain and ACO Monoblock.
The best of everything. ACO DRAIN® Powerblock –
especially for applications in class F 900 and beyond. ACO is setting new standards in the area of heaviest loads.