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Public squares

The heart of urban life beats in the public squares of city centres and neighbourhoods. Squares form hubs in the urban fabric and offer a wide range of design and use options - from weekly markets and catering facilities to event spaces and green-blue oases of tranquillity. They are places to meet, relax and regenerate. Above all, vital urban trees contribute to a high quality of place. They form a dense canopy of leaves that shades and cools the whole area, creating a pleasant microclimate. The more sealed surfaces are shaded, the less stored heat needs to be released into the environment at night - counteracting the heat island effect. However, climate change, particularly the lack of available water, is also causing problems for urban trees.

Away from grey - towards more green and blue

A forward-looking approach to protecting cities from heavy rainfall – as well as heat and drought – is the sponge city principle. A large proportion of the rainwater or surface water is absorbed on site and stored locally. As soon as sufficient water is available in the ground or in cisterns for the irrigation of urban greenery, urban trees can develop healthily, and fulfil their functions as shade providers and natural air conditioners. Through evaporation and infiltration, rainwater and snow meltwater is returned to nature and the water cycle is closed.

For more info please contact our experts

As a specialist in water technology, ACO has developed pioneering solutions for the careful management of urban trees. These include systems that collect rainwater from roofs and traffic routes and, after thorough cleaning, direct it into a reservoir. From this reservoir, the required amount of water is extracted and used to irrigate urban trees. Fully automated, radio-controlled irrigation technology makes it possible to supply treated rainwater to the city's greenery as and when it is needed. The weather forecast can also be taken into account. At the same time, the ACO systems ensure that excess water seeps into the ground and recharges the groundwater. A double benefit: the technology ensures the survival of urban trees while conserving valuable drinking water reserves.

Rieks Hulst

“Green and liveable: water features cool on hot summer days, and urban trees provide shade.”

Rieks Hulst
ACO Green City Expert, ACO Netherlands

Other relevant products in the Sponge City modular system

ACO Multiline Seal in is the channel that comes with a seal at the joint as standard. In addition to ACO polymer concrete or the new NEXITE® material, the captive 2K seal is an essential component of the Seal in technology. With a wide range of designer gratings, there are no limits to design freedom.

ACO DRAIN® Multiline Seal

ACO DRAIN® Multiline NX

The combination of sedimentation and a substrate filter stage forms the basis for cleaning surface water. The ACO Stormclean removes filterable substances as well as heavy metals and light liquids and can be used prior to infiltration or discharge into water bodies.

ACO Sedimentation devices

As an infiltration system, ACO Stormbrixx promotes the natural water cycle. Pre-cleaned rainwater is collected in the block trench. It gradually seeps into the ground, helping to recharge the groundwater.
The trench is lined with a waterproofing membrane and is suitable for retention.

The ACO Stormbrixx family - Infiltration, Retention and Reuse